
2043 Forge Road, Mountain City, TN
Hours of Operation:
M, Tu, W, F - 10 am - 4 pm
Thursday - 4 - 8 pm
Call (423) 727-8600 to make an appointment

Baby Showers
There are many ways to host one:
1. For the Party Planner: Choose a day. Invite some friends and family to participate. Create a fun shower with games and cake. Contact the Center afterwards to deliver the items or have a volunteer come collect them.
2. For the Church/Organization: Choose a month to celebrate the PSCJC. Set up a pack-n-play where all will see it. (PSCJC has these for local groups to borrow.) Encourage people to bring items; either a topic a week (like diapers and wipes) or whatever they want to bring throughout the month. Contact us to deliver items or ask for a volunteer to come collect them.
3. Virtual Shower: Send the following links to your group of people, asking them to order gifts by a set date. Items ordered get delivered directly to the Center. (Make sure you type out a note so we can send you a 'Thank you'.)
Amazon Wish List https://a.co/0CsTd9a
Please contact us if you would like to host a Baby Shower for the Center. We are extremely grateful to all our supporters.

Resources for momma and baby
With every monthly visit, they can receive a package of diapers, wipes, ten pieces of clothing and other items to prepare themselves and their child for life in this world, according to PSCJC program's guidelines.
"Mommy's Mart" is where they find clothes to choose from. Baby equipment is also available.
The "Corner Market" is a place where moms can find things that help them provide clean, safe homes or hygiene items for themselves and their children.
One time per month their visit consists of completing a class on child development, parenting, hygiene, childrearing etc., which earns them a certain amount of "Mommy Money". They can also earn "Mommy Money" by going to their doctor's visits, jobs, school, anything that will help them create a healthy environment for their growing family. Our Center is manned by volunteers who believe that the mother and the child are equally important and should be cared for.

Crib Program
Our new moms can earn a brand new crib and mattress by showing they attended ten doctor visits. PSCJC supplies these through the help of our wonderful supporters. These free beds are a great help to our mothers and provide a safe place for their children to sleep. The beds we provide transform so they can continue to use them through toddlerhood.